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3 Ways to make the world a cleaner place - Phone Cases for Vegans April 07 2020, 0 Comments

#GoVegan for the Planet,                          the Animals          and for your Health.....why wouldn't you..... We've got these all covered here at  For the Planet We chose to make our Vegan Approved iPhone and iPad cases from PU (polyurethane) and not PVC (polyvinyl-chloride) because PU is much less harmful to the environment, our cotton twill and canvas cases are made from...


iPhone X/Xs Case - Another wonderful review by our good friend Xalirate July 30 2018, 0 Comments

A short while ago we saw via our social channels that a good friend Xalirate had decided to take her silicon leather case off of her iPhone X/Xs and go case-less. In our infinite wisdom, we messaged Xalirate to see if one of our iPhone X/Xs cases would be of use to her and her newfound love of a case-less iPhone X/Xs, as you can see below the response we...